Psalm 90 Blessings

Nehemiah's epitaph

In his quiet time, Moses prayed to the Lord; “The days of our lives add up to 70 years, or 80, if one is especially strong.” And yet Moses lived well beyond that! In fact, he lived to be 120! “Assuming Moses did write this psalm it is interesting that he said the normal human life span was 70 years. He lived to be 120, Aaron was 123 when he died, and Joshua died at 110. Their long lives testify to God’s faithfulness in providing long lives to the godly as He promised under the Mosaic Covenant.” [Dr. C notes] 

It is important to remember this principle as we age and to praise God for the length of our years. God knows the end but we are to be faithful until that time. How are you living today? Are you praising God for the years that He has given you and are you busy about His business as Moses was? 

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