Persevere in Prayer

Daniel 10-12 We have been asking how patient we are, and these chapters show us Daniel patiently waits for answers about the vision he has received. He wants an answer, and we, too, want answers. Are we willing to wait for God to answer, or are we like many who start strong but then fall away? How diligently do we pray for the lost or for understanding of things we do not understand?
God has heard in heaven and sends an answer, but as so often is the case, the answer comes only after meeting an adversary who seeks to delay the answer. We, too, start praying, but then after much waiting, no answer has come. What we may not realize is that there is a battle going on behind the scenes between good and evil. Paul wrote to the Ephesians about this and told them to put on their spiritual armor and stand firm. Take a lesson from Daniel. We pray, God hears, but the adversary seeks to undermine and even circumvent that answer. Can God not intervene? Yes! God sends Michael, the mighty angelic being, to stop the adversary, and that may be true for us.
Trust God to send in his angelic forces to help us in our spiritual battles. Put on the spiritual armor and stand firm.