Our last words…

2Sam 22-24 Closing the book of 2Samuel
Chapter 22 is refreshing. David loves God and writes his song to reflect that. When was the last time you wrote a song of praise to honor the Lord?
Chapter 23 David ponders the many men who have served him faithfully. One group stole into a Philistine camp to get a jug of water for David–just because they heard him say he wished he could drink from the well of Bethlehem. One author noted that it isn’t a sacrifice if something doesn’t cost “us” something. When was the last time you sacrificed something for another?
Chapter 24 is confusing and without the Chronicler’s addition of information, [1Chron 21:1 “An adversary opposed Israel, inciting David to count how many warriors Israel.”] we could come to some wrong conclusions! The adversary, of course, is our ever-present enemy himself: Satan. We must be on guard to not fall victim to his ways. God let David count the men so that he might learn that pride is behind many decisions. Where are we listening to the words of the enemy and not God?
And so we close 2Samuel thanking God for revealing to us through the life of David where we fail, and where we triumph.