Numbers 11 Why?

stop and count blessings

Moses has been a faithful servant but even servants who have faithfully discharged their duties become weary as Moses did. Here’s my question: 

Why does it take a person’s complaining and weariness get the ear of God? Surely He knows the burden Moses was carrying. Why then did He allow this festering among the people to cause Moses to lose heart?  Why does He do the same with me? 

Grumbling is a sin and we must be aware of it and quench it before it bleeds into others around us. The “why” is unimportant as we shall see in the life of Elijah in our new study. When we have these “whys” we are to do like Moses and take them to the Lord. But what Moses lacked, and we do as well,  is that we listen and then join others grumbling and it is like a festering sore that grows and refuses to heal. 

Maybe that is why that author/composer wrote the hymn “Count Your Blessings” name them one by one and then you will see what God has done. Are you tired and weary? Take it to the Lord in prayer. 

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