Multi-generational relationships

1 Timothy 5 As in the time of Timothy, so today we have multi generational groups which require wisdom and patience. Paul’s wisdom to Timothy is to be wise in word and deed to those who are older, yet sometimes can be challenging to the young. Proverbs reminds us that gray heads, as my granddaughter calls them, have wisdom from their many years that they have walked through trials and blessings. Listen to them, glean words of wisdom and truth. Be grateful for their years of toil and trouble for their words come from a pure heart and a steadfast love.
Paul reminds Timothy how he is to respond in wisdom. Do not rebuke an older gentleman but appeal to him that both of you may learn to be wise. My mother was a widow for many years, and we gave up our home to go and take care of her and now my son and daughter in law are caring for her mother. It is sweet to see that love relationship and patience which they now do as an example for their daughter.