Life is too short…

2 Samuel 5:11-6:23; 1 Chronicles 13-16
A principle from this passage: When undertaking a service for the Lord, inquire of Him the path to be followed. David did not, and when the Ark began to slip off the cart, Uzzah reached up (which seems like something we all might do) and touched it to steady it. God was displeased and struck him dead. YIKES! After many months, David inquired of the Lord to find the proper way to move the Ark, and God blessed him.
A second thought came from this passage. Even when we do things the right way, someone will always want to rain on our parade. David’s wife, Michal, despised him, and we wonder why. Was she intimidated? Was she jealous? Whatever the reason, we can learn from this incident: even when we are doing the right things, God’s way, there will be others who want to take our joy from us.
Life is too short to allow others to determine our response.