How to win over temptation.

not today! not ever!

Matthew 4 Temptation and Repentance

Jesus faced the onslaught of temptation from the evil one. Satan is clever and begins his temptation of Christ when he is at his lowest point physically and spiritually. We too face this same temptation when we are at our lowest and are the most vulnerable. That is why we must stay close to the Lord 24/7, 365 days a year. Satan may not be omniscient but he has his demons who work for him and they can follow his orders. We must be on guard. Jesus knew that the only tool that works against Satan is the mighty word of the Lord and He utilized it. He knew scripture and could recall the exact words to be used as he sword of the Lord. Scripture memorization is key and we must use it as part of our weapons. In Ephesians we are given the weapons that will win: Stand firm therefore, by fastening the belt of truth around your waist, by putting on the breastplate of righteousness, by fitting your feet with the preparation that comes from the good news of peace, and in all of this, by taking up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God) (Eph 6) 

Sometimes we are successful but other times we are not. When Jesus passed the test by Satan, He then picked up the message of John the Baptist: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near!” That is what we need to do when we fail: repent and do not rehearse the failure but claim the power of God and seek His face. Stand up! Stand firm! 

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