Handling Adversity

Romans 12 As Paul directs his thoughts to the Romans, he reminds them of what Jesus had said: “Love one another as I have loved you.” Then he adds this counsel: “Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse.” [ Rom 12:14] Thinking back on those who have gone before me, I recall Joseph whose life mirrored that in spades. Then as I am reading The Cost ofDiscipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, I see it in again. Neither man cursed but prayed for their persecutors. Joseph must have prayed diligently for his brothers because when they appeared before him, he blessed them with a test of their love to prove that they had changed. When Bonhoeffer was in prison, he prayed and taught and on the morning of his execution, he spent time in prayer for those who were going to hang him. What is the lesson I am to glean? It is this: no matter what comes my way, I am to bless those who persecute and do not curse. How does one do that? They do it by being in a mode of prayer.