God’s ways are not our ways…

Gen. 43- 46 and Num. 32:23 How often is it that we sin and we think that God does not see? But, as Moses stated in Numbers to the Israelites: “you can be sure your sin will find you out.” [Num. 32:23] Translated it means that God will use whatever he has in his arsenal to reveal where we have sinned or another has sinned against us. And so God releases a plague of monumental proportions in a deadly famine to open the doors to connect the sons of Jacob with Joseph so that they come to confession and repentance.
Joseph told his brothers when he revealed himself to them: “God sent me before you to preserve life. [Gen 45:5] and again to reassure them: “it was not you who sent me here, but God;” [Gen 45:8] The brothers needed this cleansing just as we do when we sin or another sins against us. God will move mountains so that we do just that. All those years in prison have shaped Joseph so he is ready to forgive the travesty that has occurred. Sometimes even in our innocence, we must walk the valley of despond so we are ready to meet our adversaries and seek reconciliation.
Are you harboring resentment regarding a sin that has been foisted upon you even though you were/are innocent? Take a lesson from Joseph and allow God to use this so you are ready to meet your “enemy” with grace.