God Encourages

Deut 8-9 Paul wrote to the Ephesians to remind them that God is a promise keeper. He blessed them with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. We once “were” but now “are” free from the shackles of sin. Moses, in essence, is saying that to the wandering Israelites who are now poised to enter the Promised Land.
Moses wanted them to recall that God did not set his love upon them or choose them because of anything within them but only because He loved them. Because of his love, he promised to keep his oath and redeem us. We also need this reminder that within us lies no good thing, yet because of His faithfulness, He chose us from eternity past for His purpose. “The promise that I make does not return to me, having accomplished nothing. No, it is realized as I desire and is fulfilled as I intend” [Is 55:11]
Unfortunately, more often than not, we are comfortable with our sins. Until we come to the place where we desire God more than our sins, we will remain imprisoned. So, take time today to thank God for His words of encouragement.