Give God Praise!

Psalm 102 God is God
Day after day we read of those who have passed on into eternity, some to everlasting peace and some to everlasting torment. Some honor God in this lifetime and others deride Him, yet the truth remains about our God: “But You are the same, And Your years will not come to an end.” [Ps 102:27]
God is eternal and He is everlasting. It is because of this we stop and praise Him this day as we go to the houses of worship. The psalmist wrote in Ps 99 “Let them praise Your great and awesome name; Holy is He.” That is what I shall do today. I praise Him because He is God and there is no other. I praise Him for He has ordained my existence now and for all eternity. I praise Him for those I love who love God.
What shall you do today precious reader? Will God find you praising Him? I pray that this is true.