From Death to Life!
Ezekiel 37 Once Dead; now Alive!
In rereading this chapter, we are reminded of Ephesians 2:1 & 5 ” And although you were dead in your offenses and sins…(He) made us alive together with Christ—by grace you are saved! Paul reminds the Ephesians that they “were dead” but no longer are because of the power of the energizing Holy Spirit that raises the dead to life. Ezekiel had a vivid illustration of how that works.
Imagine standing in Death Valley and seeing the dead and sun-scorched dead bones. Each of us would reply to the Lord, “you know Lord,” regarding his question; can these be resurrected? When the Holy Spirit does His work, it is just like on that day when the tombs were opened, and the dead rose to walk about Jerusalem, testifying to the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.
Like them, we all were dead, sun-scorched, and left to the vultures and animals that God created to cleanse the dead from the land. But, Hallejulah God does a mighty work that we might stand amazed in His presence. John Newton penned a hymn titled Amazing Grace and he eloquently said what we see here in Ezekiel 37:
I once was lost, but now I am found; I once was dead but now am alive.
If this is your truth: Go forth and proclaim this truth!