
Psalm 142:3 Even though Fanny Crosby was blind, she knew this truth “Even when my strength leaves me, you watch my footsteps…” She knew that God was before her, behind her, beside her. God’s Holy Spirit lovingly guides us even as we struggle through the times of darkness, frailty, and distress. That is because God’s eyes are upon His children. He knows their goings in and going out. Nothing is hidden from His eyes, and thus we can appeal to Him for His guidance. Because of this promise, we can glory when the enemy seeks to destroy us because we can trust that God will ensure our protection. We know that our adversary lays a snare for us, but our God is greater than anything the enemy can send our way. Yet, we must have our armor on, pray for wisdom and discernment and then follow the Spirit’s leading.
“He sees you not with the indifference of a mere spectator, but he observes with attention, he knows, he considers your path: yea, he appoints it, and every circumstance about it is under his direction” John Newton.
“All the way my Savior leads me, What have I to ask beside? Can I doubt His tender mercy, Who through life has been my guide?”
Are these your questions as well? Take heart Beloved, “Jesus doeth all things well.”