Fear or Trust, what will it be?

Isaiah 9 God’s Only Son
The prophet Isaiah lived and served under many kings, and most were ungodly like King Ahaz. They didn’t believe God as in the former times, so when war was on the horizon, they lived in fear. Yet, God sent Isaiah to the king to remind him that He was still on the throne and that He would take care of them if they were willing to believe and honor him. Luke accurately proved his point in the response of the Pharisees about the baptism of John: “If we say, from heaven, he will say, why did you not believe him?” [Luke 20:5] “The fear of man is a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted.” [Prov 29:25] King Ahaz fell into the first category, and so Isaiah said, you will certainly see that fear unfold before you.
Why are we so stubborn to believe all that the Lord has said? Like Ahaz, when God says to ask for a sign, we waffle and often refuse, and like Ahaz, we refuse to believe even if God sends a prophet to us or even when Jesus Himself appears!
But, God will be undeterred, and He will give a sign, and it is a sign that Immanuel will come and He will save His people from their sins! Do we know, believe, and trust Him, or are we trapped in our fears of the unknowns of tomorrow?