Faith or Doubt?

2Kings 6&7: What do you believe about God? Is He the God of the impossible? Can God work even when we are cynical and scoff?
True story: In a time of severe famine in Samaria, the people had lost all hope. They were like the “walking dead.” In addition, the Arameans surrounded their city. Inside the city, people were even willing to eat a donkey’s head and their children. 🙁 In the midst of this, a man of God had a word of encouragement for them; the famine would end the very next day. And how did the king respond? “May God judge me severely if Elisha [the prophet of God] still has his head by the end of the day!” [2Kings 6:31] Like many, the cynical king said that the prophecy was like pie in the sky. Not only can’t it happen, but it won’t happen.
Many, like the king and his right-hand man, doubted the work of God. How about you? Do NOT forget the counsel of James: “the one who doubts is like the wave of the sea; he will not receive anything from the Lord.” [James 1:6-7]
Where are you? Are you saying, “God can’t do anything about my situation?” God has a word for you this day. Life may seem to be desperate. You may feel like you are at the end of your rope, and there is nowhere to turn. You have exhausted all options. It is now or never. God has a word for you this day: Trust in Me! I am the God of the impossible. [Luke 1]