Exodus 7-9 The Plagues of Egypt

When one does not desire Yahweh, then He will bring repercussions upon them to open their eyes to who He is, the God of all creation. God sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh over and over to tell him to release the Israelites so they may go and worship. However Pharaoh continued to harden his heart and refused to let them go. Each plague increased in time and event. and even when the Israelites were spared and Pharaoh saw that, he continued to harden his heart. How like today, when men harden their hearts against God, He brings evidence before them to reveal their ultimate destiny and His power if they will open their eyes to Him. Romans 1 explains much of the reasons behind this. Rom 1:19 “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against allungodliness and unrighteousness of people who suppressthe truth by their unrighteousness.”
How grateful we are when we yield to God and allow Him to prove Himself before ourselves and others . Have you relinquished yourself to God so He can work in your life?