Deuteronomy 31 Command! 

Choose Life

Moses told the Israelites and Joshua in particular to be “strong and courageous.” Joshua will echo those words as he prepares to take the nation from death to life as they cross the Jordan. That command was for them but it is also for us. What am I facing that I need those words today and every day beyond here. Who can I share this with today as a way of encouragement? 

The Israelites are finally preparing to end this 40 year saga and start a new chapter. Their leader, Moses is 120 years old and as he said, frail. God has said, you shall not cross over but I will show you the land they will see and enter.  As we enter the last chapter of our life, do we have that same encouraging word to those we leave behind and go and join our ancestors in heaven?  Moses tells the nation to choose life! 

What say you? 

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