Deuteronomy 1-2 Caution

Moses recounts the travels of the Israelites and their encounters along the way. One verse jumps out from Moses recollection: “Let’s send some men ahead of us to scout out the land and bring us back word as to how we should attack it and what the cities are like there.” I thought this was a good idea, so I sent twelve men from among you, one from each tribe.” Unfortunately that was NOT a good idea because Moses did not consult God on this and the end result was the grief and 40 yrs of wandering until all that complained that followed died. We all seem to think our ideas are good until we realize we have not consulted God on our plans.
Today if you have plans, be sure to pray about it because we don’t have a Moses to lead us but we do have Christ and His words are true and faithful. One of the things we have learned after many years of traveling here and there is to pray for God’s blessing and guidance before we set out. That really came true on our last “adventure” to my sister’s where my husband contracted COVID and we had to return home while our car kept stalling. It was a tough go and I was glad to see home after two and a half days.
Word of caution: pray about your goings and comings that God would direct your steps. Psa 119:133Direct my steps by your word. Do not let any sin dominate me.