Phil 3 What do you rely on for confident living now and beyond? Is it your credentials of work or of school? Is it your family’s heritage? Paul had all of those things and yet he counted them as rubbish for only in Christ can we rely on today and tomorrow and beyond. One day as we leave this earth, we won’t take with us the trappings of this earthly life but only what is in our heart and that is the love of Christ who gave Himself for us, for you and me. Paul noted that he no longer had his own righteousness derived from the law, but he had the righteousness that comes by way of Christ’s faithfulness—a righteousness from God that is in fact based on Christ’s faithfulness. [Phil 3:9 paraphrased]
Today is now, tomorrow is questionable, beyond is not for us to see, so take today and be confident in this one thing: He who has begun a good work in you will complete it. Trust Him for each day that He has chosen to give you for nothing is guaranteed beyond the hours of this day.