Choosing Words Carefully

Prov 15 Words come easily to us because God has made us a people of language. We use it to heal but also, at times to hurt. Prov 15:4 Speech that heals is like a life-giving tree, but a perverse speech breaks the spirit. Job remarked that his heart was broken after hearing all of the bad news on one particular day. [Job 17:1] Again, we read that the Lord is near the brokenhearted, and he delivers those who are discouraged. [Ps 34:18]
When we hear news such as Job’s or news that pierces the heart, what should be our response? We can be the conduit of healing with the correct words to the brokenhearted, “But, there are also words that seemingly sound “nice” but, in fact, are hurtful such as “I know how you feel, or it was for the best, or it was time.” Being sensitive takes practice and much prayer. Some phrases to consider: I am here to listen, I feel your pain, and just checking in to ask how is your heart today?
Recognize that these days are seen as their affliction and hard. Therefore, be gentle and patient as you walk this road with the one in “heart pain.” Know and apply this truth: “A person has joy in giving the appropriate answer, and a word at the right time—how good it is!” [Prov 15:23]