Are your wheels spinning?

Ecclesiastes 1 to 3 Ecclesiastes is one of the most mind-boggling books in the canon. The author traced his life here on earth and concludes that it is futile. It is not until the very last chapter that we find that all of this mindless wavering directed him back to where God wants all of us to be: glorifying Him only. The conclusion then is that life’s meaning begins and ends with this phrase: “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth.” Don’t spend life spinning your wheels for what matters is to,
‘take up your cross and follow Me [Jesus]…”
Living apart from God is futile and devoid of purpose, yet “God has also placed within the heart of every person a sense of something eternal and a desire to know the eternal significance of what we do.” [Dr. C] Don’t wait as the thief on the cross did. Stop now and recognize that God is the one who is seeking your soul that you might spend eternity with Him.
The author concludes that men should find their purpose and see God in every situation and experience. Our ultimate mission is to do the will of God. Both Proverbs and Ecclesiastes remind us that it is foolish to gather or collect things, for they will turn to dust after we are gone. We brought nothing into this life, and we will take nothing out when we die except for our soul.
Even though your life is but a vapor, also remember that there is at a time for every matter and that God has an eternal purpose for you in the here and now.