Are you modeling Jesus?

be patient or retaliate--- it is up to you

Matt 17 Impatience 

Jesus has been healing now for nearly three years and has patiently teaching and modeling for the disciples the gifts of the kingdom such as healing. However, on this day they brought to him a  boy who was experiencing seizures. The disciples were unable to heal him and so they brought him to Jesus. Why could they not heal this child? Jesus said it was because of their weak faith. We see his humanness as he is impatient and cried: “You unbelieving and perverse generation! How much longer must I be with you? How much longer must I endure you? Bring him here to me!” [Matt 17:17] 

As I read this story I can relate and perhaps you can as well. How long must we teach and model and yet our disciples do not follow through nor do they exhibit the traits so needed. 

Jesus lovingly healed the child after his outburst and we see this as a model for us. We may become inpatient but ultimately we are to heal with the Word and loving kindness. Today, if you become impatient, stop and consider the model of Jesus in this situation and do as He did. 

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