Are You Grateful or Ungrateful?

1Kings 20-22 Ahab rejects God’s Word
How many more evil kings will there be in Israel? The answer is many, for not one will be good, not one! Ahab has to be the epitome of selfishness and ungratefulness, yet God saw his heart of humility and let him live. That is God’s character which is so “not us!” God sees beyond our hearts to what His heart is and forgives us repeatedly. That is one lesson from the life of Ahab.
These two chapters prove this lesson: God is merciful whether you are a believer or an apostate. God’s mercy wasn’t because of anything Ahab did, but to show His character of mercy.
Take a moment and look back to yesterday and the day before that to see the hand of God’s mercy upon your life. Beware of being an Ahab who saw God’s provision and protection yet refused to acknowledge Him. How quick we are to accept from God’s hand His mercy but walk away and forget. Perhaps you can relate to this story as well.