All in a Day

When you look at this picture does it remind you of your day?
Proverbs 16 reminds us of our days which are filled with the mundane. We make plans to go to the market, drop off some mail at the post office, make three healthy meals for our families, and do laundry that n.e.v.e.r. seems to end. Do we stop to ask the Lord what His plans would be for our day? Proverbs 16:1 and Proverbs 16:9 give us a new perspective. We have good intentions; we want to do these sundry tasks not just because they need to be done but because we have good heart motives. Yet here is the question; do we stop to rest in His sovereignty as the day unfolds, and the unplanned circumstance just happens? Are our hearts pure as well as our motives? Do we thank him and ask that He guard our tongue and direct our steps?
In between verses 1 and 9, which are bookends, we find some wise counsel. We might make our plans, but they are only established or made firm when we commit them to the Lord, for He alone works all things for His purposes, just as Romans 8:28 says. “we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
Our challenge is to begin each day asking the Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do today that will bring you honor.