A Psalm of Praise

Psalm 18 I doubt any of us have faced enemies as King David did. The OT graphically portrays those who hated David and sought to kill him. As I said, I doubt few of us have faced such vengeance and hatred. These attitudes and behaviors come out of the pit of hell and are encouraged by the enemy, Satan. We saw it in the first family when Cain killed his brother Abel and now in the psalm we see it in the life of Saul. How do you face such enemies? You do it by looking for and praising the God who is sovereign and in control of our every waking moment even when we do not understand what is taking place. Instead of saying why me, say instead as David did: I love you, Lord, my source of strength!
It is God’s strength that will carry us through the deepest trials of life. We pay attention to the circumstances around us and see that in Him we are safe, for He is our refuge. We do it when we cry out to the Lord and seek His face both in the ongoing circumstances and in the future when it has all passed.