“Setting the Tone.”

Vows are serious business

1Peter 3 to 5 This pandemic has stretched and challenged family life. Remember, Jesus “called us through the new birth into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled and unfading.” [1Peter 1:4] We are  blessed; don’t forget that. Keep that in the forefront of your minds as you are stretched, and relationships are facing challenges. 

As part of the marriage vows, men and women vow to love until death. The pandemic does not change that! Solomon reminds his reader that “when you make a vow to God, do not delay paying it. God takes no pleasure in fools.” [Eccl 5:4] Peter is advising first century men and women and men and women of today to set the tone in the home as they build their family unit.   His advice: wives: be submissive, even to a husband who is an unbeliever. Husbands, treat your wife with consideration or understanding. Practically they are to follow this counsel: “all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, affectionate, compassionate, and humble.” [1Peter 3:8]

Set the tone in your home so you can have a peaceful family unit.

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