9.27.24. Our Plans & God’s Plans

1 Cor 16 Making Plans or Is 55:7-8

Today we are busy about many things and one of them is making plans for this and that. We draft calendars and send messages to others to remind them of our plans. We live in the internet age when messages fly faster than the crow flies to others and then we wait for their answers which come quickly. Paul was no different, but he had to send his messages via couriers or by some other means. He said, “I will come to you after I have gone through Macedonia.” [vs 5] Then he added “perhaps I will stay with you, or even spend the winter,” [vs 6] We know from history that Paul’s plans, in fact were disrupted by jealous Jews and a 2 yr. Extended stay in Israel. Sometimes our plans go awry, and we wonder why, but we can trust God has a plan that as He told Habakkuk: “Look…I will do something in your lifetime that you will not believe even though you are forewarned.” [Hab 1:5] Paul could not have considered that he would have opportunity after opportunity to share Christ with Felix and Festus. Even though they did not repent, Paul shared, and they now stand without excuse. [Rom 1:20] 

Even though our plans may go astray, according to our thinking, Paul reminds us: “Stay alert, stand firm in the faith, show courage, be strong.  Everything you do should be done in love.”  [1 Cor 16:13] The Apostle John echoed that same thinking as he wrote his three letters to the flock. Love is the evidence that we are loved by God, and we now share that love with others.  

Are you sharing that love of God with someone today?  

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