Truth Matters…

use scripture to

1 Cor 7 Opinions vs Truth

What do you trust more; someone’s opinion or the truth? That seems like a rather simple question with a simple answer, but not so fast. In our world, opinions fluctuate and cause problems that seem insolvable. So what does one do? One goes to the scripture and seeks their answer there. What does God say? Why does God say it? What then should my decision be? Those are the questions we should be asking. Now the questions have arisen in the Corinthian church about sexuality, marriage and celibacy. The opinions ranged from singleness to divorce. What does God say? 

God looked about at His creation and noted that each animal had their mate. And then God said, it is not good for man to be alone and so He created woman to be with man. He did not create more than one but just that one that was perfectly suited to him. And thus it was, then it is today.There is one mate for each person but until then each should remain celibate. Why does God provide mates for some and not for others is what we call a conundrum. Some questions are left unanswered but the truth of the matter is that we are commanded to remain as we are to present ourselves pure and holy for His purposes alone. 

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