Resolving Conflicts

God's Perfect Peace

Phil 4 Are you at peace today or are you filled with anxiety? Is the cause a conflict with another believer? How do you resolve it? Do you need someone have to come alongside to help? That was the situation in the church in Philippi between two precious women. Paul doesn’t tell us what the problem was but he appealed to them to resolve their differences and then asked a co-worker to assist. 

Whatever the problem was it seems to have caused anxiety and a lack of peaceful harmony. Paul reminded the two women and the helper to not be anxious about anything. Anxiety is the root cause and is troublesome because it keeps the Fruit of the Spirit from being implemented. Watch out for that trait. Paul then continues on how to handle this problem: Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Did you notice that Paul referred to peace twice in this passage (v 7 & v 9? Peace will guard your heart and the peace of God will be with you. Seek peace and harmony with others.

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