Ps 44 Then and Now

When you recall the past how does it look to you? In our mind’s eye we see the past as glorious and filled with blessings beyond number, but now as you look at the present you see trouble all around you. This is the picture the psalmist is seeing and as we read it, it is like looking in the mirror of days long ago in sharp contrast to today.  Long ago God was in our midst and He blessed our nation with wealth and honor but now the enemy of our souls has penetrated and shamed us before the world. The psalmist sees the same and he transitions his thoughts with this word: BUT.  

When we see the word BUT we should stop and see the contrast of what went before and what is happening now. Before the Israelites had been victorious because God was leading them into the land He had prepared for them…BUT… now God’s majesty and power are no longer. He notes this: “All this has happened to us, even though we have not rejected you.” [Ps 44:17] but if that is true, then why the shame and dishonor? 

He ends his thoughts with this prayer: “Rise up and help us.Rescue us because of your loyal love.” [Ps 44:26]. That is what will turn the tide of shame to glory. 

Seek the face of God in dark times and He will hear your prayer and respond. Trust in the Lord and acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

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