Repeat the Story Again

Repeat the story again

Rev 9-12 What am I busy about today?
John describes what he has seen just as Jesus commanded him and what he sees is fierce and frightening, yet men remain steadfastly belligerent to the ways of God. They will long to die, but it won’t be possible. Today there is a movement to help people to die, and Canada has a book written to children on how to die and to help others die. What morbidity is this? We remember the words of Solomon, the fear of man is a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted. [Prov 29:25] God reveals his wrath upon mankind, but their hearts remain hardened, but, one day, they will bow their knee to Him and confess Him as Lord. [Phil 2:10] What is my responsibility to those who do not know God? Just as John was told, “you must prophesy again.” [Rev 10:11] I am to do the same; tell the story again and again. Do not give up; perhaps one day, they will accept the message of truth.

Oh, Father, give me that persistent attitude to those who do not know You. May I not be like Martha, busy about many things that are not eternal but may I be like Mary and choose the best things.

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