Are you obeying?

2Kings 15-17 Do you wonder why you are not blessed?
Looking at the past we read that over and over God blessed His children by removing them from Egypt and placing them in the land of Israel. Moses reminded them to obey only God but they chose to ignore that command—over and over and over. Finally, God disciplined them by allowing evil nations to overtake them and to take from the Promised Land to a land they did not know, and to serve the wicked kings who had strange languages and customs. The priests did not lead the people to God but away from God as did the kings. My heart hurts when I read these passages because it is a reminder of looking in the mirror at my own sin and how God removed His blessings when I did not obey Him. …Maybe you can relate to that as well.
It is as if I am reading the books of Deuteronomy and Leviticus all over again! Obey Me says God and they say yes we will obey but they do not. Truly God is to be revered: Isa 42:8 “I am the Lord, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, Nor My praise to graven images.
Are you being blessed or not?