12.28.24. Are you coming along with me?

Revelation 21 Perfect Beauty
John sees and records the vision of the heaven and the new Jerusalem. He was struck by this: nothing ritually unclean will ever enter into it, nor anyone who does what is detestable or practices falsehood, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Yesterday we talked about the evils of this world but today John reveals the complete opposite. The city is beyond description but John does his best to describe it and just think, if your name is written in the book you will see it. Thinking this a.m. of the many who have gone on before me and this is what they are seeing even now. Many people ask will our loved ones see us here on earth? My answer is this: why would they want to? Earth is full of sin but the city that is being prepared to come down from heaven is all purity and perfect beauty.
Is your name written in that book so that you will see this perfect beauty? Time is running out and soon Christ will return. Are you ready to meet Him in the air and go to this perfectly beautiful place? Come along with me and let’s go together to the new Jerusalem!