11.22.24. Preparing for Eternity
John 17 Our Destiny…
They say that when your time has come you know it or sense that soon you will depart from your earthly existence. It was so with my precious friend Rosie, as well as several others I have disciples or taught and with my mother. I have not yet experienced this but wonder if I will. But, the better question is what are my thoughts prior to that time. Jesus thoughts were to glorify the Father. Will that be mine as well? How about you?
What does it mean to glorify the Father but to honor Him and to offer thoughts and praises to Him for our time here as well as seeking the Father’s honor and glory as we prepare to enter eternity. This brings us to another question: am I prepared to enter eternity? Have I and have you prepared our hearts to speak and give glory to the Father?
One of the ways Jesus glorified the Father was to give eternal life to those He had been given. Will I have the gift of those I have brought to saving faith to the Father?
So many questions and so many thoughts. What are your thoughts today about this topic?