11.15.24. The LIGHT!

God is Light

John 12 The LIGHT!~

The mornings are dark now with the changes in the time. As I walk about the darkness of my home, I sense the uncertainties of where I put each step and that is why we have night lights burning to guide us. But, soon the sun is rising and with it a new day with the brightness that the sun brings and then the dust bunnies and things that are not in their right places is seen. My neighbors outside lights were brightly shining but now they are extinguished. So it is with the souls of men. Some are walking in darkness because their deeds are evil and they love darkness rather than light. Others hear and rejoice for the LIGHT has come into the world and they submit to its brilliance. 

Eighteen times in this book Jesus refers to Himself as the LIGHT. Light is one of our most precious gifts for it reveals what our souls need to be saved. We once were in darkness of sin, but then the LIGHT came and we submitted to it. The book of Revelation reveals the brilliance of that LIGHT in all of His glory. Ezekiel saw that same LIGHT and was used to tell the people of Israel that He is coming for His own to transform them…if they will yield to them.

Where are you today precious reader? Are you walking in the darkness or has the LIGHT of the world removed it so you can see and praise Him who is the LIGHT? 

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