Ps 81; 88; 92-93 The Highs and Lows of Life
God is near, and He is always ready to answer our prayers, but there are times in our lives when God is silent. What do we do then? We do as the psalmist; we cry out to the Lord. Ps 88 is much like the words of Job in his pit of despair. Where are you, Lord? Do you hear my cry? God is still where He has always been; in his throne room of heaven. The psalmist cries, but the heavens are silent. Sometimes God waits on us to pour out our hearts to Him, and other times He answers quickly. He is God, and He alone responds in His perfect timing.
If you are experiencing the quietness of heaven, know this truth: Sometimes, it is to test us to see if we are just in pity party mode or sincere. Whatever we are experiencing, know this; God hears, and God responds. Trust Him. Your job is to pray without ceasing. [1Thess 5:17]