1.11.25. Now and Tomorrow

Job 29-31 Recalling the Past
As I age, I find I am doing just as Job. I recall my earlier days when my body was strong and I could work all day with abundant energy but now I tire easily and my strength is lessening with each passing day. Oh how I can relate to Job! He recalls the prime of his life and the joy of being able to serve and work with great joy. These days I find myself just like Job and soon i will be saying just as he said: my words are ended. But, in the meantime, I find my memories are sweet and abundant. I recall the successes and the failures for each taught me lessons that God would use to add to His work. Aging tends to do that. With age comes both wisdom and failures of past times.Don’t linger there my friend. Job has suffered greatly but in that suffering he has found the true meaning of life which is to honor God and give Him praise. He raises up and puts down men according to His will and we must be grateful for each day.
Another sweet sister has gone to heaven and so as I read Job I find myself wondering. Her absence leaves a hole that cannot be filled and my heart is heavy knowing her absence is felt by her sweet family. Yet, in all of that, my heart rejoices that she is seeing the Lord she loved and served. What about you dear friend?