What is your goal for 2024?

Paul left his protege Timothy in Ephesus to teach sound doctrine because he was proven reliable, trustworthy, and loyal. Paul calls him his “true child in the faith.” How about us? Would Paul say the same about us? As we bid farewell to 2023, we should be thinking about our goals for 2024. Paul wrote to Timothy. “But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” [1Tim 1:5]
Notice Paul’s goals for Timothy: love from a pure heart, have a good conscience, and demonstrate sincere faith. Three basic goals that are achievable in real-time. As we think ahead, which of these three goals might be yours as we re-enter Bible studies and fellowship with others beyond our regular Sunday services? Where will you be reading, studying, and memorizing? Where will you meet the concerns of others?
We will be reading again using the NET Bible online study tool. We implore you to join with us as we enter 2024. So here’s our question to you, the reader: are you more interested in reading through the Bible chronologically or just reading through the Bible? Let us know your preferences: https://knowinggod.org/ or https://netbible.org/.