“We need to be saved.”
Isaiah 64 That is Isaiah’s cry as he looks at the sin-drenched world before him. Today, just as then, the cry is the same: Is there a God, and if so, where is He? Why is this happening? Isaiah perceptively saw spiritual blindness, deafness to the truth of God, and hardened hearts. The psalmist wrote that they collaborate to undo what God has ordered. [Ps 2] They refuse to yield to God and deny He who created all for His pleasure. Isaiah cries to the Lord God Almighty, Oh that You would rend the heavens so that men would see Your power. But He has done that before, like when Jesus cried, “it is finished!” Or when Paul and Silas were in prison. Even with the physical evidence of a mighty earthquake, men still refuse to bow the knee. But one day, they will not only bow but confess Jesus as Lord. [Phil 2:11] Until then…they cry rocks fall on us.
Isaiah’s cry then is the same for us today: “How then can we be saved.” [Is 64:5] Oh God, may your mercy be ever before us; may we recognize that You are God and there is no other.