Upside Down Theology

Acts 11 God directs our steps, so says the Psalmist. God directed Peter to go and tell the good news to Cornelius who was a Gentile. Six brethren accompanied him, thus giving us the perfect number of seven to be witnesses of this event. The Gentile Cornelius had had an audience with an angel about how to know the way to God and he obeyed. Peter, as the disciple who often challenged Jesus was the chosen recipient to take the good news but first he had to overcome prejudice. 

Do I need to overcome prejudices that will keep me from presenting the good news to unbelievers? Do I need a vision of that which is “unclean” to change my focus, or do I need to have a personal encounter and witness the power of the Holy Spirit to open my eyes? There are many who are waiting to hear the good news and we are to be ready to go and not question the ways of God. 

Again, we see that the Jerusalem church was aghast at the news of the believers in Antioch and the news of Cornelius’ conversion. Just like us, we often fail to recognize that God has done a mighty work. But, graciously God gave them evidence to show them that this good news is not just for the Jew but also for the Gentile. 

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