Two Kinds of Fear

Exodus 1-3 One truth again is revealed: The fear of man is a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted.” [Prov 29:25]
We remember the story of Joseph, where it was noted that the Egyptians would not eat with the shepherds because they saw them as abominable. [Gen 43:32] Now, a new Pharaoh’s racial bias is revealed when the Israelites were increasing in number. Instead of thanking God for them, he shrewdly plans to destroy the next generation but keep this generation. Down through history, we have seen this same tactic, but it has failed because of this truth: “For the LORD of hosts has planned, and who can frustrate it?” [Is 14:27] The truth of Joseph’s words comes again: you thought to do harm, but God intended it for good. Yet, it wasn’t until Moses’ murder of an Egyptian and his fear of reprisal that sent him from the comfort of the palace to the wilderness and it was there that he had an encounter with God.
We may run but it is in the wilderness that we come face-to-face with God. We can be fearful of men, or we can be fearful of God. One leads to snares, and one leads to blessing. Which will we choose?
Which kind of fear do you have? Are you in the wilderness? Stay put so you can have an encounter with God.