Two Hearts

Exodus 7-10 Welcome to February and our thoughts of hearts. In today’s reading, we see two different hearts. Moses’ heart was waffling when he heard what God wanted him to do, and it took a mighty work of God to get him to leave Midian and return to Egypt. God sometimes does that with us as well. We drag our feet, but when push comes to shove, we step out, and then, wonder of wonders, we see all that God has promised was precisely as He said! Jesus once said, “O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken!” [Luke 24:25] God is Jehovah Jireh, and He provides everything we need!
In sharp contrast is the heart of the unbelieving Pharaoh. God has already told Moses what to expect, so it is not a new revelation when he meets this man who thinks he is God. But what is surprising to us is what we see even today. He says show me a miracle, and then I will believe. What a sham! They won’t believe because they are like the Pharisees in John 9. They see the evidence, and instead of believing, their hearts grow callous and hard.
Are you like a Moses, dragging your feet, or like Pharaoh who, even with evidence, refuses to believe?