There are no “but’s” in God’s Vocabulary

2 Kings 14, 2 Chron 25 “But…” 

King Amaziah has been enthroned and is blessed by God “but” …yes, there is that little word “but” again showing us a contrast to something that has occurred or will occur to alter that blessing. Amaziah followed in his father’s footsteps, “but” he did not eliminate the high places where people could go to offer sacrifices. Partial obedience is still disobedience, no matter how you look at it. Amaziah obeyed the Law regarding the Commandment about punishment for a father, “but” not the children. Yet, in his pride, he overstepped his boundaries and paid the price. What boundary has God put in your life that you are testing? 

Amaziah defeated his enemies but gathered their idols and began to worship them. Do we honor God and put no other gods in His place, as the first Commandment says? Amaziah did not heed the prophet’s warning, and from the time he turned from following the Lord, he faced more defeats and was finally assassinated.

Joshua reminded us: choose ye this day whom you will serve. [Jos 24:15] There are no “but’s” in God’s vocabulary. Serve God and God only. [Deut 13:4]

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