The Heart

Psalm 101 Jeremiah wrote that the heart is deceitful! No one can know it but God! [Jer 17:9] It is He that transforms that deceitful heart into something glorious to behold! Jesus reminded the disciples “In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who repents.” [Luk 15:10]
In Ps 101, the psalmist gives us three pictures of the heart of men: vs. 2 the perfect heart., vs. 4 A froward (perverse) heart, and vs. 5 a proud heart.
Later, the psalmist would pray: create in me a clean heart, [Ps 1151:10]. The author of Proverbs says to guard our heart, [Prov 4:23], and the author of Hebrews challenges those who are drifting to draw near to God with a sincere heart (Heb 10:22]
Today examine your heart. Is it perfect? (only by the saving grace of God). Next, guard your heart against that which is perverse. And lastly, pray for a humble heart.