Really??? I am to turn the other cheek??

Psalm 109 When Jesus taught the Beatitudes, he turned the world upside down against the naysayers. He reminded his audience that even though they may face those who seek to harm, ostracize, or demean, he was to apply the principle of Romans 8:28: recognize that all things will work for good to those who love the Lord. So after his pity party of begging God to send fire and brimstone upon their heads, he seems to have taken a deep breath and ended his tirade with these words: “With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to the LORD; And in the midst of many, I will praise Him. [Ps 109:30]
There is a principle here that we should heed; it is ok to tell God all about the evil around us, but after we have finished having our pity party, go and sit in His presence and praise Him, for He is sovereign and He knows the end from the beginning. Place our hurts and our frustrations before Him and let Him take over. Then, stand back and watch Him work, trusting Rom. 8:28!