Prayers of the Righteous


1Sam 1-3 The book of Ruth ushered us into the realm of the righteous by one [Ruth] who made the decision to follow God based upon the witness and life of her righteous mother-in-law Naomi. Was it Naomi’s life or her prayers that spoke to Ruth’s heart? We don’t know, but we do know that Ruth willingly forsook her homeland and the idols of Moab to encounter the Lord of Hosts, Yahweh. 

Fast forward to 1 Samuel, where we meet another righteous woman, Hannah. She is the epitome of the words of James: “The prayer of a righteous person has great effectiveness.” [James 5:16] She is an example to us when we face criticism for our choice to follow God. God blessed her and gave her the desire of her heart in the birth of Samuel and then, beyond that, more children.  

Are you willing to step up and be a Christlike example to others today? Then determine to be person who chooses to follow God in your prayer life. 

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