Prayer is the Answer

Ps 58 & 59 “Please God!”
One of the difficulties many of us have when we read the psalms of David is his cry for vengeance. For a long time, this has been a thorn in our understanding of these imprecatory psalms. However, one thing we should note is that David relied upon God to handle his adversity, his enemies, and even as Ps 58 notes, corrupt judges. We do not see him taking the vengeance into his own hands as many are prone to do.
Why would David write such psalms? It shows us that when we trust in the Lord, we can live fearlessly and with courage even amongst the most crooked of judges, the most heinous of criminals who stalk the innocent. This is a lesson for us to bring our most painful situations to God and seek His answer rather than taking matters into our own hands.
Today around our world, there are cruel taskmasters, cruel dictators, and cruel despots. Begin to pray for them one by one as God brings them to your mind. Pray that the Holy Avenger will step in and crush them so that they may turn to Him. Psa 94:1 O Lord, the God who avenges! Then we will be able to rejoice as David: 59:16 “I will praise your loyal love in the morning. For you are my refuge and my place of shelter when I face trouble.”