Praise God.

Salvation is God's gift

Eph 3 Praise God for His immeasurable grace and gift of salvation 

Paul writes to the Ephesians to know that it was by the grace of God that He revealed the promise of salvation to all Gentiles…as well as the Jews. This mystery was revealed so that we might glory in this revelation. Paul writes: 

“the Gentiles are fellow heirs, fellow members of the body, and fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus.” [Eph 3:6]  Consider those points: fellow heirs of the kingdom of our Savior, fellow members of the body meaning the church. In addition, fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus. No longer do the 

Gentiles sit apart from the grace and salvation of God but now we, who are the Gentiles, are able to say praise be to God for now I, like the Jew, can inherit the kingdom of God.  I can glory in the promises of Christ with all its blessings. I, like the Jew, can inherit the kingdom which awaits for His appearance and gathering of the saints. 

Remember and cling to this promise: “the eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and confident access to God by way of Christ’s faithfulness.”[Eph 3:12-13] We the Gentiles now have all of the above and in addition, we have this promise: we can boldly enter the Holy of Holies to present our gifts and prayers to the Father. And this all happened because of the faithfulness of God’s Holy Son who gave his life for us.

Amazing thoughts to ponder today. 

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