One Purpose for Prayer

1 Timothy 2 We have been encouraged over and over to pray for others, but did you notice the reason why? Paul, as a wise counselor, tells his disciple Timothy to pray not just for those he cares about, but for all people and especially those in authority over us. Since it is election season, we often forget that we are to be praying for those who have the responsibility to lead us, so they will lead us responsibly.
Paul tells Timothy why and this applies to us as well. “since he wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” [1 Tim 2:4] So, our prayers are not just that they lead us wisely, but our prayers may be the very instrument to lead them in some way to come to God and be saved.
What leader do you need to be praying for this very day, even if you have problems with how they lead and why they lead as they do. Pray for them to come to know the “Way, the Truth, and the Life” that they may one day stand before God justified.