Numbers 8-10 Order out of Chaos

God blesses

The Lord God gave Moses instructions on how to bring this camp of Israelites into a camp with order. They were a camp of chaos running here and there and causing harm and disobeying the commands of the Lord and Moses. God used this section to remind us that He is the one who brings order and He has selected men to guide in that direction. And so God directed Moses on how to do this and when. It is comforting to read this section when we see it happening even now in our own country. There has been chaos for over four years and even now we see those disrupters on the scene just as it was in the day of Moses. Remember this: God is a God of order not chaos. 

God’s instructions to the church are this: “1Co 14:40 And do everything in a decent and orderly manner.” Isaiah wrote: “For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little.” [Is 28:10] That is how God governs and we should do the same. 

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